O zi obişnuită – 25 Iunie / “şah la Curtea Constituţională” (via Politeía)

E bine asa. Prea mergeau toate spre unanimitate, consens si alte dantelarii totalitare!

O zi obişnuită – 25 Iunie / “şah la Curtea Constituţională” Bună dimineata intr-o zi de vineri. Astazi vom avea la Bucuresti o minima termica de  13°C, si o maxima termica de  22°C. In cea mai mare parte noros, ploaie usoara, rece. Curs valutar BNR valabil azi: 1 EURO =  4.2311 RON (+0.0077 RON); 1 USD = 3. .4437 RON (+0.0068); 1 EURO = 1.2286 USD; (-0.0002). România este pe ultimul loc în UE în ceea ce priveşte nivelul încasărilor din taxe şi impozite raportat la PIB. Aparent, este un efect al cotei unic … Read More

via Politeía

Sonisphere: Reinventing live music for the 21st century

Four words: Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax. It is that simple. It was much speculated, but it never happened before, for the thrash metal’s big four to share the same stage at a single gig. They are about to make heavy metal history in Bucharest

Metallica- the living legends

Metallica has become one of the most influential heavy metal bands, and is credited as one of the “big four” of thrash metal, along with Slayer, Anthrax, and Megadeth. The band has sold more than 100 million records worldwide. The writers of The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll felt Metallica gave heavy metal “a much-needed charge”. Stephen Thomas Erlewine and Greg Prato of Allmusic said Metallica, “expanded the limits of thrash, using speed and volume not for their own sake, but to enhance their intricately structured compositions”, calling the band “easily the best, most influential heavy metal band of the ‘80s, responsible for bringing the music back to Earth.” Metallica began on October 28, 1981, when drummer Lars Ulrich and singer/guitarist James Hetfield met in LA and decided to form a band. It would go on to be a legendary heavy metal band and one of the best selling and longest lasting musical acts in history.

The band released …And Justice for All in 1988. It reached No.6 on the Billboard 200, their first in the Top 10, and was also responsible for the band’s first Grammy nomination in 1989. Not until 1992 would they win for their next album, the self-titled Metallica — also known as The Black Album – which featured tracks such as “Enter Sandman” and “Sad But True”. Infighting within the band drew out its production, yet in spite of that it quickly hit No.1 on the charts and remains the 26th best-selling album of all time in America. If The Black Album’s softer touch (relatively speaking) initiated cries that Metallica had sold out, those cries were turned up to 11 with 1996’s Load. On March 7, 1999, Metallica was inducted into the San Francisco Walk of Fame.

Performance day: June 26

Megadeth- a full chapter in metal history

Megadeth is an American heavy metal band from Los Angeles, formed in 1983. Founded by guitarist/vocalist Dave Mustaine and bassist David Ellefson following Mustaine’s departure from Metallica, the band has since released twelve studio albums, six live albums, two EPs, twenty six singles, thirty-two music videos, and three compilations. As a pioneer of the American thrash metal movement, Megadeth rose to international fame in the 1980s and was ranked as one of the “Big Four of Thrash”, along with Metallica, Slayer, and Anthrax, who were responsible for creating, developing and popularizing the thrash metal sub-genre. Megadeth has experienced numerous line-up changes, due partly to the band’s notorious substance abuse problems. From 1983 to 2002, Mustaine and Ellefson were the only continuous members of the band. After finding sobriety and securing a stable line-up, Megadeth went on to release a string of platinum and gold albums, including the platinum-selling landmark Rust in Peace in 1990 and the Grammy nominated, multi-platinum Countdown to Extinction in 1992. Megadeth disbanded in 2002 after Mustaine suffered a severe nerve injury to his left arm. However, following extensive physical therapy, Mustaine reformed the band in 2004 and released The System Has Failed, followed by United Abominations in 2007. Megadeth, along with their new lead guitarist Chris Broderick, released their twelfth studio album, titled Endgame, on September 15, 2009, which debuted at no 9 on the Billboard 200. Megadeth is known for its distinctive instrumental style, often featuring dense, intricate passages and trade off guitar solos

Performance day: June 26

Anthrax- a delight for metalheads

Perhaps the most underrated of the Big Four, Anthrax are sure to make the Sonisphere audience go Metal Thrashing Mad. Often hailed as one of the originators of thrash metal, Anthrax have been melting faces since 1981, and have been integral to the development of metal as we know it today. Famous for smashing the boundaries of the genre, they were amongst the first to unite metal with hardcore punk, and later even combine Rap into their music with their Public Enemy collaboration. Never a band to take themselves too seriously, Anthrax are all about having a great time, with lyrics about raising hell (as well as the odd comic book character), and a live show that’s like a madhouse.

Anthrax first thrashed onto the metal radar with their 1984 debut Fistful Of Metal, which managed to climb to Number 8 in the UK charts. However, vocalist Neil Turbin and bassist Dan Lilker were fired and eventually replaced by Joey Belladonna and Frank Bello, on vocals and bass respectively. These additions formed the legendary 80’s ‘Thrax lineup, consisting of Joey, Frank, Scott Ian, Dan Spitz and Charlie Benante, which went on to forge some of the most adored thrash albums of the genre’s golden age, such as Spreading The Disease, Among The Living and Persistence Of Time. 1993 then brought us the similarly prestigious era of John Bush on vocals, starting with Sound Of White Noise. This brought up a challenging dilemma for metalheads, which has been a hot topic of debate for years: Joey or John?

About the Big Four event on Saturday, Scott Ian said in an interview with festival organizers: “We have been talking about this for 20 years, but it’s really happening now. From the perspective of a fan alone, this would be unbelievably great, but to think you get to perform there, with the titans… It’s going to be magnificent!”

Performance day: June 26

Slayer- a band like a scream

Apparently, you just don’t say “Slayer“, you shout it until your throat is raw, with your horns raised high.. Nearly 30 years on, these Southern California musicians prove that age doesn’t matter when it comes to making genre defining music. Going back to the start of the mayhem, ‘Show No Mercy‘was their first album back in 1983, which they financed themselves, showing clearly you don’t need tens of millions to produce kick-ass metal. It was during this time that Kerry King joined Megadeth only to come back after five shows. ‘Hell Awaits’ soon followed which was accompanied by their first home video. It was clear now that they had something special in their lockers as musicians.

‘Reign in Blood’ followed in 1986. New album deal, first certified gold sales, produced by Rick Rubin, Lombardo leaving and coming back, plenty of controversy and rave reviews. The album is considered by many the finest metal record to date. Several albums have followed (’South of Heaven’, ‘Seasons in the Abyss’, ‘Divine Intervention’, ‘Undisputed Attitude’, ‘Diabolus in Musica’,’ God Hates Us All’, ‘Christ Illusion’) which bring us to the current record, ‘World Painted Blood’ – still as raw, fast and metal as ever. Slayer has been churning out raw, passionate music for close to three decades. Controversy has always followed close by but, if you like metal, quality lyrics and music, you love Slayer.

Slayer’s musical traits involve fast tremolo picking, atonal guitar solos, double bass drumming, and shouting vocals. The band’s lyrics and album art, which cover topics such as serial killers, Satanism, religion and warfare have generated album bans, delays, lawsuits and strong criticism from religious groups and the public.

Performance day: June 26

Rammstein, the heavyweights of industrial metal

Not many bands have actually been imprisoned for their live show, but Rammstein have managed it. An industrial maelstrom of churning guitars and striking keyboard riffs, the German band’s music conjures up powerful images of everything from America to German marriage vows, Till Lindemann’s gruff vocals turning the industrial complex that is Rammstein from a mere industrial band to a band with vision and inspiration; a band which, where all others have failed, still uses vocals in its native language, not the American English adopted by many bands. Formed in the wake of the Soviet Union’s control in East Germany, Rammstein truly arose out of nothing but ashes, and yet their phoenix refuses to burn any less brightly since its fiery creation, the band remaining as much visionaries as musicians. It is powerful music, as listeners appreciated when their second album, ‘Sehnsucht’, rose straight to the top of the German album charts in Rammstein’s home country. Since then the band has gone from strength to strength, recording a stunning selection of albums right up until their newest offering, ‘Liebe ist für alle da’. Yet they could not have done this without an impressive live show. Often shunned by the media for controversial lyrics, their albums are constantly supported by waves of touring that seem to suggest un-ending vigour. Their shows themselves have been immortalised in several live albums. A truly great band, standing head and shoulders above most other bands, they have inspired many musical movements while consistently failing to conform to stereotypes and constantly shock and entertain the World with their live shows and studio recordings.

Performance day: June 27 (for the first time in Romania)

Sonisphere schedule and access

Friday, June 25

Accept, Manowar, Volbeat, Paradise Lost, Orphaned Land

Saturday, June 26

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax, Vita de Vie

Sunday, June 27

Rammstein, Alice in Chains, Stone Sour, Anathema, Luna Amara

Access to the Sonisphere Festival, taking place in the Capital on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, will be allowed starting 14:00, and concerts are due to end at 23:00. The two access points in the concert area are the Romexpo entrances from the Presei Avenue and the Expozitiei Boulevard.

SCIENAR – Interferenţe

(Bucureşti, Universitatea Naţională de Arte, 31 mai – 6 iunie)

Proiectul SCIENAR (www.scienar.eu) urmăreşte evidenţierea unor scenarii prin care se pun în valoare interferenţele întreştiinţă şi artă.

Primul scenariu subliniază legăturile între geometrie şi artă caracteristice operelor de artă ale antichităţii, principiul factorilor de armonie în ceea ce priveşte creaţia anticilor, al doilea se referă la legile perspectivei care guvernează relaţia dintre ştiinţa geometriei şi arta Renaşterii, iar al treilea se referă la ştiinţele moderne, teoria relativităţii şi a haosului care îşi găsesc reprezentare în forme artistice ale actului creativ modern. Se aşteaptă o diseminare a concluziilor acestor cercetări în lumea artei în aşa fel încât proiectul să genereze el însuşi produse creative şi opere de artă.

Coordonatorul proiectului este University of Calabria (IT), partenerii proiectului sunt: Electronic Media Reportin g (NL) , Institute for Computers (RO), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SK), Virtual Image Publishing (UK).

În cadrul expoziţiei „Scienar – Interferenţe” artiştii străini, dintre care amintim Jane McAdam Freud, John Robinson, Dash MacDonald şi Demetrios Kargotis din Anglia, Julian Voss Andreae, Rick Doble şi Floyd Antony Falsbach din USA, Elisabeth Alimi, Jean Pierre Luminet, Frederic Tristan din Franţa, Pietro Pantano şi Eleonora Bilotta din Italia, au pus la dispoziţie prezentări virtuale, în timp ce artiştii români Peter Jacobi, Liviu Stoicoviciu, Dan Popovici, Liana Svintiu pun la dispoziţie creaţii proprii pentru a fi expuse.

Celtic Rock with Blackbeers

The Blackbeers band will climb the stage again to offer a Celtic rock concert at the Actors’ Café in the Tineretului Park, on May 22, at 21:00, a release from the Romanian-Irish Cultural Association informs. After an over two years’ absence, the Celtic rock band Blackbeers attended with cheers this year’s St. Patrick’s Day festivities, on March 17. Blackbeers is a band which stands out in the Romanian show-biz, a band who dares to be different. The five musicians obstinately pursue their passion for Irish rhythms. They play Celtic rock in Romania, even if this disqualifies them for the race of big selling bands. The band was founded in 1999 and began by playing traditional Irish music. From 2005, Blackbeers adopted Celtic rock, but in 2008 they took a temporary break from the musical life. This spring the band came back with a new make-up: Peter Moynahan – voice, guitar; Stike Molnar – flute, voice; Sebastian Nazarevscky – guitar; Doina Stan – violin; Alina Talos – voice; Adi Comorasu – bass and Razvan Staicut – drums.

Green Hours International Jazz Fest – 2nd edition

Green Hours 22 jazz-café organizes the second edition of Green Hours International Jazz Fest, an independent cultural event initiated in May 2008, the first international festival organized by a club in Romania. GHIJFest – 2nd edition/ 2010, to take place between May 20 and 23 in Bucharest, in the Green Hours Garden in 120 Calea Victoriei, modernized especially for this event. The public will have the chance to watch four groups of exceptional European musicians, as well as four of the most valuable ensembles of Romanian jazz musicians. Artist-charge tickets may be purchased from the Green club. Admission to the concert is made every night starting 18:00.




Thursday, May 20


19:00 – Kusak/ Pop Urban Unit


20:30 – NIK BÄRTSCH’S RONIN: Holon


Friday, May 21


19:00 – Vlaicu Golcea & Midi OVERDOSE




Saturday, May 22


19:00 – Sorin Romanescu Project NEXT


20:30 – PAWEL KACZMARCZYK Audiofeeling band: Complexity and Simplicity


Sunday, May 23


19:00 – Iordache


20:30 – OMAR KLEIN TRIO: Introducing Omer Klein


Expoziţie Vasile Mureşan – Murivale la Dej

Joi, 29 aprilie, la Galeria de Artă „Frezia” din Dej, a avut loc vernisarea personalei Vasile Mureşan – Murivale, pictorul şi lucrările sale fiind prezentate publicului de către prof. Ion Mureşan şi criticul dr. Negoiţă Lăptoiu.

Născut la Arcalia, în judeţul Bistriţa Năsăud, la 1 aprilie 1957, Vasile Mureşan – Murivale este absolvent al Academiei de Artă „Luceafărul” din Bucureşti, secţia pictură şi membru titular al UAP din România. Artist prolific, este prezent cu consecvenţă pe simezele a numeroase galerii din ţară şi străinătate în cadrul unor expoziţii personale şi de grup – Bucureşti, Piatra Neamţ, Târgovişte, Bacău, Sângeorz – Băi, Botoşani, Turnu – Severin, Timişoara, Bistriţa, Liban, Franţa, Polonia etc., activitatea sa fiind onorată cu: Premiul Ministerului Culturii (1992), Premiul Inspectoratului pentru Cultură, Bacău (1997), Premiul special al juriului la Bienala de la Bouge, Franţa (1998), Premiul Constantin Prut, Bârlad (1999) şi Premiul Uniunii Artiştilor Plastici din România (2005).

Temperament ciclotimic, Vasile Mureşan – Murivale işi înscrie lucrările pe aceste coordonate, reuşind să-şi formeze un stil şi o viziune proprie asupra realităţii, o realitate „prelucrată şi redată publicului” fie prin imagini expresive, fie prin sugestia de culoare a spaţiului concret.

M. Vaida


Editura Tritonic la Dej

Marţi, 4 mai, la Galeria de Artă „Frezia” din Dej a avut loc lansarea romanului „Zilele mele cu Renata” de Alexandru Petria, volum recent apărut la Editura „Tritonic” din Bucureşti. La eveniment au fost prezenţi directorul editurii, Bogdan Hrib, scriitorii George Arion, Ivona Boitan şi Oana Stoica Mujea, jurnalistul Zorin Diaconescu şi criticul Luigi Bambulea, aceştia din urmă oferind publicului dejean reperele critice pentru lecturarea cărţii proaspăt lansate. Alexandru Petria (n. 1968, la Dej) a publicat până în prezent două volume de versuri – „Neguţătorul de arome” şi „33 de poeme – iar în calitate de jurnalist la „Gazeta someşeană”, „Zig-Zag”, „Cotidianul” „Hermes”, „Monitorul de Someş” şi director al publicaţiei lunare „Realitatea”, numeroase pamflete, eseuri, reportaje şi proză scurtă. Texte, nu neapărat cuminţi, dar nici atât de şocante, la nivelul limbajului, cum se prezintă romanul de debut al autorului. Situat la limita foarte elastică dintre literatura erotică şi cea pornografică, „Zilele mele cu Renata” poate fi privită ca o tragicomedie a existenţei înecate într-o hipersexualitate sordidă, cartea salvându-se pe sine şi eliberându-l astfel şi pe autor, de coşmarul „impotenţei literare”, prin tăietura frazei, prin descărcarea de derizoriu cu ajutorul cuvintelor, chiar dacă sunt cuvinte prin care vulgaritatea transpiră abundent.

După campania din 2009, „Cartea mai aproape de cititor”, Editura „Tritonic” continuă şi în acest an seria de vizite organizate în principalele licee, universităţi şi biblioteci din capitală şi din ţară, prilej cu care promovează îşi noile apariţii şi, totodată, oferă reduceri substanţiale atât la cărţile mai vechi de un an, cât şi la titlurile recent apărute. Aşadar, după Piteşti şi Târgu Mureş, a fost rândul dejenilor să constate că: „Cititul nu dăunează sănătăţii”.

Magdalena Vaida
